The Memorial Hall Long Lawford
The Memorial Hall Long Lawford

                            The Memorial Hall, Long Lawford

The Memorial Hall came into being in 1959, it's former use was that of a cattle yard and barns.
The old barns and cattle yard were purchased by a committee of Long Lawford residents who had raised funds during the second world war to help support members of the armed forces, at the end of hostilities, funds were still available, so the committee decided to carry on with their fundraising and used the raised monies for the benefit of the villagers of Long Lawford. The barns were converted into the hall with the help of voluntary support from the local population.
The hall was then named "The Memorial Hall," in dedication to the fallen servicemen of Long Lawford during the 1939-1945 conflict.
Inside the hall is a plaque depicting the names of the fallen

The aims of the hall
“The property hereby conveyed shall be held upon trust for the purpose of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Long Lawford and the neighbourhood without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions, and in particular for use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

 What can it be used for
The Memorial Hall is licensed for music, singing and dancing, during the hours of 9am to 11.59pm Monday  to Saturday.   Hirers are allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages on the premises as long as no profit is derived from their use.
There is a fully fitted kitchen available.

The hirer is resposible for the well being of the hall and the conduct of all parties using the hall at the time of hiring.

Any damage must be reported and paid for. 

If you are considering hiring the hall it is important you read the terms and conditions in the Legal Notice part of the website.


The Trustees
   Leonie Lee
Treasurer   Patricia Judge
Chairman   David Haggan

Caretaker   Angela Westerdale








The Trustees workis voluntary







We are located at:

9 Railway Street,

Long Lawford,



CV23 9BA



Booking Enquiries

Get social with us.





between 9:00am-8:00pm only 



Village residents

Proof of residency required

General use £10 per hour.

Childrens party £40 for 3hrs + £20 refundable deposit.


Full days hire 09.00-18.00

£70 + £50 refudable deposit


Non village residents

General use £15 per hr

Childrens party £50 for 3hrs + £20 refundable deposit

Full days hire 09.00-18.00 

£100 + £50 refudable deposit.